OOO Region was incorporated on December 8, 1998, by Alexander Alexandrovich Kolomenskiy. Currently 39 workers are employed at the enterprise. The company offers a full range of services in wood processing, from logging to drying and impregnation of machined rounded wood. The company has a more than 20-year-long experience in product delivery for export. OOO REGION undertakes the responsibility in customs clearance at the Russian Federation border, delivery to the Russian Federation border, phytosanitary control, and exchange control.
OOO REGION products are manufactured using wood certified in accordance with standards. This means that the timber is extracted in compliance with international standards, the rights of indigenous peoples, local residents and workers are not violated in the course of extraction process, harvesting is carried out by means of sustainable forest management methods, and environmental requirements are met in full.
A responsible approach to business activities, that is employed by OOO REGION, has been proved by a great number of government awards and certificates of different levels. In 2018, OOO REGION employees were recognized by the Legislative assembly of Leningrad Region through granting a Certificate of Commendation for their contribution to the development of timber processing complex.
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Promivnie st., 1, Podporozhye, Leningrad region, Russia, 187780